Posts made in May 2021

environmental remediation

What You Should Know About Environmental Remediation

Once a building has been demolished, the site itself may need attention to render it safe and healthy. In other words, it might require environmental remediation.

Our construction company in Boston, MA, Deloury Industries, is happy to provide you with some insight on remediation. This is an important step that a contractor can undertake to ensure the site is suitable for future use.

A reliable construction company will perform remediation by removing contaminants and avoiding any further spread of the pollutants. There are many different environmental remediation methods, and they often depend on the chemicals or toxic substances present. Some remediation will take place on the site with the soil or water treated without it being removed. Other jobs may call for removing the contaminated soil and disposal in a landfill, for instance.

Whichever one is right for the worksite you have in mind, it’s essential to take precautions to avoid any risk to workers or individuals in the area. You also need to follow all environmental regulations for remediation, disposal, and monitoring of the location.

Deloury Industries is available to help with your project if you need assistance or direction. Remediation can be challenging to do safely and completely, so reach out if you have questions.


What to Consider before Demolishing a Building

Tearing down a building safely is more than a matter of just smashing walls and hauling off the rubble. It’s a process that has to be approached with a measure of care and planning. In fact, the actual work begins before the building is even touched. You need to include permits, a site survey, and consideration of the local area.

As a noted general contractor in Boston, MA, Deloury Industries has a great deal of experience with this task. We’re going to discuss what you need to think about before demolition.

It’s important to conduct a risk assessment to be certain you’ve taken all considerations into account before commencing with demolition. This will help prevent any danger to your workforce of the surrounding environment. An experienced general contractor makes sure all services such as electricity, gas, and water are disconnected.

Once all the preparation work is completed. Then the final decision is which demolition method, or combination of techniques, to use. This will depend on the size of the building, its proximity to other structures, whether any parts of the property will be preserved, and the equipment you have available.

If you have any questions about building demolition, Deloury Industries is happy to answer your questions.